There are many different ways to describe why it is so effective.
Looking at the science of it: During our normal busy times, our brains are operating in a “beta” frequency of 13 to 60 pulses per second on the Hertz scale. This is more of a left-brain linear, logical thinking.
When we are in a state of mental relaxation, our brain shifts into an “alpha” state. We are still aware of what is happening around us, but we are focused in a different way. An alpha frequency is a right-brain creative intuitive state of 7 to 13 pulses per second. When we daydream, pray, meditate, listen to deeply moving music, or are immersed in a good book or movie, our brain shifts into this slower alpha brain wave.
Everyone can recall times when they were immersed in something creative like music, art, dancing, or gardening and lost track of time. Maybe you were surprised by what your creative mind came up with. You were probably in a state of self-hypnosis.
With therapeutic hypnosis, we access this alpha state intentionally. We use it in a deliberate and guided way to achieve your goals.
Looking at hypnosis in a different way: Your logical linear left-brain thinking is in charge of lots of things – facts, planning, task-oriented things.
But your deeper unconscious self holds different memories, old messages you received as a child, traumas that affected you, and old beliefs you might not even realize are still there. Your deeper unconscious self also holds the ability to make powerful changes when you can utilize it.
Your logical linear self is not in charge of those changes. As you may have discovered, you can’t just talk yourself out of a phobia or trauma.
But we can use hypnosis or guided meditation to access this deeper self and release the old beliefs, traumas and outdated messages.
It is a powerful, but gentle way of making changes in your life.